Matt Baetz
2 min readAug 28, 2021


I was 20 in ‘99. Recently told my doc I don’t want the HBP meds quite yet and didn’t attend Woodstock that year. I remember the build up though and the flame out. Trying everyday to listen and improve and as a white dude in my 40s now I think about the anger guys my age/race have about the slow reckoning taking place. I think many of us white dudes fail to realize that the fair thing to do at this point would be to enslave, rape and steal everything from every straight white man. In some incredible act of grace most non straight white males aren’t calling for that. They are simply asking for a fair shot at a good life. And if all we have to do is support that fairness, reduce our anger and embrace our fellow people as we would our own parents or children I think we’d be a lot better for it. Of course the majority won’t. We’re too afraid of losing our possessions, mid life crisis purchases, multiple residences, viagra prescriptions, and our stranglehold on less fortunate people. I know this is slightly off topic but I’ve been watching footage of the people in Kabul risking everything to get out and all I can think is how much my life as a straight white dude has been absolutely and undeniably LUCK. I am in my position because of luck. Lucky to be born white in the US. And what do most of us do with that lucky lottery ticket? We squirrel away our shit and attack anyone who tries to do anything to steal it from us. Which is bullshit. We were lucky to have it in the first place and I really am striving to find ways to share it, level the playing field. And the easiest way to get started is just to not follow Trump. Literally doing the opposite of whatever Trump suggests is the most direct way forward to a future of fairness and equality and it pains me that my fellow white dudes don’t see it that way.



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