I was born in ‘78. I’m Gen X or Y depending on who you talk to and I’m the child of two boomers who were born in ‘46 & ‘47 respectively. I started reading your article in hopes there would be some solution offered on how to ‘handle’ the Boomers, not that I’ve ever thought they needed handling. I understand why you might feel the need to place the blame of the current state of things on people who were mostly conceived after the Greatest Generation came home from war and procreated without thought of what this boom in birth might do to future generations but I think it’s grossly unfair to blame a Generation for the state of the world. They lived with, reacted to, and handled what was given to them. (Not to mention glossing over Vietnam the way you did is both ridiculous and insulting)
It’s easy to say you would have done a better job and to act like things are worse than they’ve ever been but that is a silly unproductive approach. And again I say all this as an X/Yer. I for one appreciate the life and opportunity my Baby Boomer parents provided for me and do not mind taking care of my dad as he ages. Sadly my mother already passed but if she had gotten older thanks I would like to think Id value and appreciate every additional day I might have with her. Ageism like Racism or Sexism is a massive issue on this planet and we owe it to ourselves, to them, and to future generations to do less finger pointing and more problem solving.
I don’t disagree that there are issues and I’m not sure what the answer is but we’re here now and we can’t go back so the only way forward is finding a fix with minimal finger-pointing.