Thank you for this. This year I wrote a teen comedy based on that time I went on vacation with my girlfriends family to a remote part of Wyoming and she dumped me the day after we arrived. Why in Wyoming made it to the quarter finals (top 300 of 8000) in the 2021 Academy Nicholl contest. At the same time one of my other scripts Fort Hood Three which was a Finalist in the 2020 Page contest failed to make the quarters of the 2021 Page which means my revisions either made it worse or the competition was just that stiff. Luckily i have notes for both to improve them. My goals for 2022? Revise Wyoming and FH3 per the feedback i received and resubmit them to a few festivals. Also I want to begin work on two new ideas. One a book adaptation about a psychic who predicted the 1906 SF earthquake and another an assassin thriller. Thank you for giving me the space to say these goals out loud. It feels good to establish some tangible things to work toward. Appreciate the column! Good luck to everyone!